Our preception of things

For my Taxonomy project I will be looking closely at the relationship of materialistic items such as the watch, and the value they hold to us and society.

A clear example of a type perception is illusion underneath is a picture that if you follow it with your eyes the colours gradually start to become more intense, this is because our eyes perceive this everything is our perception and how we should be perceived what is right and wrong in our cultural society depends on the perception of the knowledge we have been taught.


So my perception of a Watch as it symbolises status and power, other things such as mobile phones and the type of phone you have similarly to the type of watch you have shows the type of materialistic values you hold. In WILLIAM BLAKE, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell he says that “Where perception is, there also are pain and pleasure, and where these are, there, of necessity, is desire”. Here he saying that what we are shown of what items such as these in society the perception of them by their advertising or even their brand longevity brings us to desire these items, as to us they are not just items but rather have value in society and make us belong.

This whole idea of perception is linked in the way in which company’s market,
here is a abstract from The( Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies The perception of materialism in a global market:
a comparison of younger Chinese and United States consumers. Stephen Parker Missouri State, UniversityDiana Haytko
Florida Gulf, Coast University, Charles Hermans ,Missouri State University)

In this Journal they look at materialism and how to market they put consumers in to categories listed bellow

Defining Success

I admire people who own expensive homes, cars, and clothes some of the most important achievements include acquiring material possessions don’t place much emphasis on the amount of material objects people own as a sign of success.The things I own say a lot about how well I’m doing in life.
I like to own things that impress people. I don’t pay much attention to the material objects other people own

Acquisition Centrality

I usually buy only the things I need.
I try to keep my life simple, as far as possessions are concerned.The things I own aren’t all that important to me.
I enjoy spending money on things that aren’t practical Buying things gives me a lot of pleasure.
I like a lot of luxury in my life. I put less emphasis on material things than most people I know.

Pursuit of Happiness

I have all the things I really need to enjoy life.

My life would be better if I owned certain
Things I don’t have
I wouldn’t be any happier if I owned nicer things. I’d be happier if I could afford to buy more things. It sometimes bothers me quite a bit that I can’t afford to buy all the things I’d like.

Materialism (Student)

When I watch commercials, I usually want what is shown.Most people who have a lot of money are happier than most people who have only a little money. Money isn’t everything.
Having a nice car is important, but school I is more important.
I don’t care whether my clothes have a designer label on them.

This shows how marketers perceive their consumers. The type of person Id fit in to would probably be the materialism (student) and that’s why I have a seconds watch however If my category would have been Defining success I would most likely own a expensive branded Swiss watch these type of connections with wealth power and status mainline our materialistic values, this is the type of thing I want to achieve through my taxonomy by taking simple information such as




Watch brand

Characteristics of the watch

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